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Dragon Ball Z Kai

Ss2 Goku Charge.png
‎This article contains information about a topic still in development, and may change as more information becomes available. Please feel free to update it as soon as any new material is made available.

Dragon Ball Kai logo
Alex GaletusAdded by Alex Galetus
Dragon Ball Z Kai, known in Japan as Dragon Ball Kai (ドラゴンボール改「カイ」, Doragon Boru Kai; lit. "Dragon Ball Revised"), is an anime series that is a high-definition remaster and recut of Dragon Ball Z, done for its 20th Anniversary. It premiered on Fuji TV on April 5, 2009 at 9:00am just before One Piece and ended on August 25, 2011 with 98 episodes, and the two shows are being marketed together as 'Dream 9', which refers to the hour in which they both air. Two issues of Shonen JUMP have included some primary information about the series.[1]
In November 2012, it was confirmed that production of Dragon Ball Z Kai will continue, and air outside of Japan.[2]



The "Kai" (改「かい」) in the series' name means "updated," "modified," or "altered."[3] Interestingly, despite the series being only a director's cut of Dragon Ball Z, the Z has been completely removed from the title (at least in the Japanese version).
FUNimation Dragon Ball Z Kai logo
SilverPlaqueVIIAdded by SilverPlaqueVII
FUNimation Entertainment has been dubbing Dragon Ball Kai into English for a North American release, under the release title of Dragon Ball Z Kai (more information can be viewed below). On April 26, 2010, 4Kids Entertainment announced the series has currently aired on The CW's Vortex block in its 2010-2011 season.[4] The show has also been airing premieres on the Nicktoons since May 24, 2011, and ended on January 1, 2012. This is quite a change, as all the Dragon Ball series have almost always appeared on Cartoon Network in the United States.[5]
A new anime series based on the Toriko manga has since debuted in April 2011, and took over the Dragon Ball Kai time slot at 9 AM on Sunday mornings before the One Piece anime series.[6]

Series information

Comparison of aspect ratios from Dragon Ball Z Kai (left) and Dragon Ball Z (right). Click to enlarge
Virtue777Added by Virtue777
The series is being extensively "refreshed" for Japanese television. This is not a new animation, but rather a remastered edit that runs through certain events of Dragon Ball Z. Part of this is reformatting and extending the picture to 16:9 Widescreen. Through digital processing, the image is made vibrant. All the grime, damage and noise remaining on the Dragon Ball Z film is removed, making the image much clearer in high-definition.
A comparison with the original video side-by-side shows considerable cropping to achieve the 16:9 aspect ratio. However, it seems carefully done to avoid missing anything important. The original image is not stretched, just cut where it would be more appropriate, being a "tilt and scan" or "reverse pan and scan" of the original Dragon Ball Z footage.
New ending credits with new animations of Dodoria and Zarbon (top left), the Ginyu Force (top right), Frieza (center left), Raditz (center right), and Vegeta and Nappa (bottom left)
BeadtmdcAdded by Beadtmdc
Dragon Ball Kai includes a complete re-recording of the dialog by most of the original Japanese voice cast, as well as completely new sound design with updated sound effects. The opening and ending themes are completely new. Takayoshi Tanimoto performs the series' new opening and closing themes, "Dragon Soul" and "Yeah! Break! Care! Break!". This new opening and closing credits have newly animated appearances by most of the main cast, as well as for the villains, such as Raditz, Nappa, Vegeta, Frieza, Zarbon, Dodoria, and the Ginyu Force. There's also a new artwork clip after every intermission, such as one of Cui and Vegeta in episode 19. Unlike the original Dragon Ball Z, which only had two sets of eye-catches for the entire series, in Dragon Ball Kai, it changes every few episodes to feature an appropriate character ensemble/situation.
The Garlic Jr. Saga does not air in Dragon Ball Kai. Originally lasting from episodes 108 to 117, the saga featured the return of Garlic Jr., the main villain from the first DBZ movie. The saga was completely filler and Garlic Jr. or any of his henchmen did not appear in the original manga. Because Kai stays truer to the manga, this saga has been completely cut out.
Original palette
BeadtmdcAdded by Beadtmdc
Revised palette
BeadtmdcAdded by Beadtmdc
Among other things, Vegeta's unique palette while on an unnamed planet in the beginning of the series has been altered, however, Nappa's armor is still different from the armor he wears on Earth. Piccolo's blood in the Raditz fight has also been recolored to purple (in DB and in this fight in DBZ, Piccolo was drawn with red blood, but purple blood in the rest of the DBZ series). However, when Raditz is explaining to Goku about the Saiyans, Vegeta has his original palette.
Confirmed episodes of Dragon Ball Kai to have new animation inserted include: 16, 21, 22, and 24 through 54. Episode 16 is the first episode in the series that includes several instances of completely new animation spliced in with the original. More than likely, this was done to bridge gaps left behind when filler material was removed, so as to keep the length and pace of the episode intact. It is also possible that this was done to replace damaged frames. This is seen again in episode 21 at time indexes 14:25 through 14:50 and again numerous times, interlaced with the original animation, starting at 18:44 and lasting until 21:44 (the end of the episode). The style of the animation should be considered "neo-classic" for it is designed to blend in seamlessly with the existing animation.
New Scene: Vegeta's Assault
BeadtmdcAdded by Beadtmdc
For the Androids Saga, the animation in the opening scene and closing credits has been altered a bit to fit the current storyline. New animations of Dr. Gero, Android 19, Android 17, Android 18, Android 16, and Cell appear, as well as the Super Saiyan appearances of Goku, Vegeta, Future Trunks, and Gohan. The new intro also showcases battles taking place within the saga, such as Vegeta vs. #18, Piccolo vs. #17, #16 vs. Cell, Goku vs. Cell, and ends showing a sequence of the Z Fighters standing together with their Cell Saga appearances. The ending credits are also different, showcasing Goku flying with Shenron as the faces of the main cast appear. He proceeds to transform into a Super Saiyan and the cast joins him in flight. The sequences ends with the Z Fighters standing in front of the Earth, with Shenron and Porunga in the backdrop.
Toei released the first set on DVD and Blu-ray in September, 2009 in 4:3 aspect ratio, which is said that is how it was originally created and was only 16:9 ratio before because it cropped for HD TV.[citation needed] The refreshed series also spawned a stage play named Dragon Ball Kai: Super Battle Stage.


Dragon Ball Kai used a new background musical score by Kenji Yamamoto, composer of the Dragon Ball video games. His score was used regularly for all releases of episodes 1-95, however he was given a layoff notice from Toei Animation after it was discovered that he was infringing his music off of other artists and eventually resigned. The last few episodes of Dragon Ball Kai, as well as Japanese reruns of past episodes, made use of music recycled from Dragon Ball Z by Shunsuke Kikuchi (although the Dragon Ball Kai theme songs remained intact), however the placing of the music differed from the original series.
The American broadcast of Dragon Ball Z Kai was affected as well. The 5th American DVD/Blu-ray volume was delayed twice, due to FUNimation replacing Yamamoto's score with the original Dragon Ball Z background score for the remainder of the English release of Dragon Ball Z Kai, for the DVDs/Blu-rays (all episodes) and the TV Version (all episodes).

FUNimation (English Version)

"The phenomenon that defined a generation... is back for more."
— FUNimation's tagline in the Season One release trailer
Navarre revealed during its Q3 2010 earnings conference call, on February 2, 2010, that its North American anime distributor FUNimation had licensed the Dragon Ball Kai series for release in the "latter part of the upcoming fiscal year." However, it was re-titled Dragon Ball Z Kai. FUNimation later confirmed the license with AnimeNewsNetwork.com. Dragon Ball Z Kai Part one was released on May 18, 2010. The cast for Dragon Ball Z Kai was mostly the same as Z except for a few re-casts for various reasons. The English dub for the series is produced by Okatron 5000 in Dallas, TX, US at the same recording studio used for the video games of the Dragon Ball franchise. Cartoon Network, broadcaster of all original Dragon Ball media, passed on the rights to show Dragon Ball Z Kai. Instead, Nicktoons has been airing Dragon Ball Z Kai since May 24, 2010, and continues to do so.[5]
A comparison of the opening scene in Dragon Ball Kai. The shot on the left is the original uncut scene, and the right being the one that appeared on Nicktoons. It is clear to see all traces of blood have been removed from Bardock's face
SSJGoku93Added by SSJGoku93
The series is edited on Nicktoons to fit the intended audience, and occasionally contains different verbiage than the home release, which is entirely unedited. Some character attacks regain their correct and untranslated-proper-noun announcements in the unedited dub (i.e. "Makankōsappō" instead of Special Beam Cannon, "Kienzan" instead of Destructo Disk, etc.), although some of the official English names for the attacks are retained for the broadcast version. Most other names used in the English dub remain the same (i.e. Krillin and Tien Shinhan instead of "Kuririn" and "Tenshinhan"). Less liberty is taken with the script, and episode titles are mostly literal translations of their original Japanese versions. Nicktoons' broadcast originally used Kenji Yamamoto's musical score, however it changed to Shunsuke Kikkuichi's cues after the music plagiarism incident (see "Music" above). The opening theme was retained, although shortened to allow time for more commercials. The broadcast uses Vic Mignogna's version of the theme song for the full run, even though his complete version was only used for Episodes 27 - 39 on the official home video release. The ending theme is usually cut, and the credits are shown in split screen, although a shorter version of the ending has been used on occasion.
The Toonzai kids block on The CW also broadcasts FUNimation's English dub of Dragon Ball Z Kai. Their broadcast contains most of the edits of the Nicktoons version, as well as extra editing to fit the stricter broadcast standards. The broadcast has been notorious for it's questionable editing practices such as erasing Shenron from the opening credits in some episodes, colorizing Mr. Popo blue, changing halos into shining spheres, adding sparkles to Chiaotzu's fatal explosion, drawing an eye over Gohan's swollen face, and replacing dialogue considered objectionable with sound-a-like voices. Like the Nicktoons' broadcast, the Toonzai broadcast featured the Kenji Yamamoto score before being replaced with the Shunsuke Kikuchi score. Aside from the Shenron edit, the opening and closing also remain the same as the Nicktoons broadcast.
Edited episodes are also available for streaming in the United States on both Nicktoons' and Toonzai's respective websites.


Original Voice Actor Character(s) New Voice Actor
Kyle Hebert Narrator Doc Morgan
Stephanie Nadolny Kid Goku
Kid Gohan
Baby Trunks
Colleen Clinkenbeard
Meredith McCoy Android 18
Tiffany Vollmer Bulma Monica Rial
Chris Forbis Dr. Brief Mark Stoddard
John Swasey
Christopher Sabat Turtle
Mr. Popo
Chris Cason
Moori Barry Yandel
Grand Elder Guru Bill Jenkins
Zarbon J. Michael Tatum
Jeice Jason Liebrecht
Burter Vic Mignogna
Monika Antonelli Chiaotzu
Brina Palencia
Brad Jackson Oolong Bryan Massey
King Cold Jason Douglas
Laura Bailey Dende Maxey Whitehead
Linda Young Frieza (barring first episode) Chris Ayres
Brice Armstrong Captain Ginyu R. Bruce Elliott
Bill Townsley Guldo Greg Ayres
Appule Kyle Hebert
Phillip Wilburn Android 19 Todd Haberkorn


Main article: List of Dragon Ball Z Kai episodes
Super Saiyan Goku
Alex GaletusAdded by Alex Galetus
Toei Animation stated that the Dragon Ball Kai episodes would be edited to more closely follow Akira Toriyama's original story in the manga, resulting in a faster moving story, and to remove any damaged frames.[7] Dragon Ball Kai minimize the filler material produced for Dragon Ball Z's original production run. On the broadcast episodes, only a few minutes of filler material with no impact to the story have been left in (like Gregory's appearance at King Kai's planet, who wasn't present in the manga), probably to help the chapter reach its full 20 min.
Super Saiyan 2 Gohan
Jeangabin666Added by Jeangabin666
Happinet (the Japanese company releasing the series on DVD and Blu-ray) announced the Japanese DVD and Blu-ray release would have an end point of "99 Episodes (tentative)" meaning the current planned and announced episode count will end at 99.[8] Actually, Dragon Ball Kai was supposed to last for 98 episodes, but everything had originally been thrown off an entire week due to the horrific earthquake that struck Japan the prior week. The series ended in 98 episodes as of August 25, 2011.

English adaptations

The title screen translations are far more similar this time around, but are changed to fit properly into English. Edits have been made to the version appearing on Nicktoons, these include the removal of blood (which sometimes is replaced with black greyish liquid where the blood is supposed to be), overly violent moments, profanity, and others. The CW's Toonzai airings, however, are edited even more so than the Nicktoons version, due to tighter restrictions on broadcast programming. These edits include recoloring Mr. Popo's skin from black to blue, replacing dead characters' halos with glowing orbs, removing virtually all references to death in both dialogue and episode titles and renaming certain special techniques (i.e. Goku's Spirit Bomb renamed as the "Spirit Blast" and Vegeta's Galick Gun as the "Galick Blast"). Also in the beginning of the intro song, Toonzai has edited out Shenron and replaced him with a green colored sky. On Nicktoons, the series ended on January 1, 2012.


Initially, there were no plans for Dragon Ball Kai to reach the Majin Buu Saga,[9] until November 2012,[2] with Toriko (another manga adaptation) taking over for Dragon Ball Kai's time slot after episode 97. The 97th episode of the series was broadcast on March 27, 2011 in Japan, and January 1, 2012 in America. The series was in syndication in Japan for exactly two years. Despite this, the series has been one of the top 10 rated anime series every week since syndication began in April 2009. The 98th episode of the series, which recapped the entire series and provided some closure, was released on DVD in Japan.[10][11] On November 6th 2012, the voice of Krillin in the series, Mayumi Tanaka, posted news on her blog confirming that Dragon Ball Kai will be continuing, as voice work was already under way for the early stages of the Majin Buu story arc. Her post goes on to specify that the series revivial is for the overseas market, and as of the time of her post there are no plans to air the new episodes in Dragon Ball's home country of Japan.[2]


The uncut box set entitled Dragon Ball Z Kai Part One was released on the 18th of May 2010,[12] and Part Two was released on the 14th of September, 2010.[13]
Title Release Episode Region Compatibility*
Dragon Ball Z Kai Part One May 18, 2010 1 - 13 Blu-ray A/B
DVD 1/4
Run-time of 325 minutes, TV-PG Rating, available on DVD and Blu-ray
Dragon Ball Z Kai Part Two September 14, 2010 14 - 26 Blu-ray A/B
DVD 1/4
Run-time of 325 minutes, TV-PG Rating, available on DVD and Blu-ray
Dragon Ball Z Kai Part Three December 14, 2010 27 - 39 Blu-ray A/B
DVD 1/4
Run-time of 325 minutes, TV-PG Rating, available on DVD and Blu-ray
Dragon Ball Z Kai Part Four March 8, 2011 40 - 52 Blu-ray A/B
DVD 1/4
Run-time of 325 minutes, TV-PG Rating, available on DVD and Blu-ray
Dragon Ball Z Kai Part Five June 28, 2011 53 - 65 Blu-ray A/B
DVD 1/4
Run-time of 325 minutes, TV-PG Rating, available on DVD and Blu-ray
Dragon Ball Z Kai Part Six September 13, 2011 66 - 77 Blu-ray A/B
DVD 1/4
Run-time of 290 minutes, TV-PG Rating, available on DVD and Blu-ray
Dragon Ball Z Kai Part Seven March 20, 2012 78 - 88 Blu-ray A/B
DVD 1/4
Run-time of 275 minutes, TV-PG Rating, available on DVD and Blu-ray
Dragon Ball Z Kai Part Eight June 5, 2012 89 - 98 Blu-ray A/B
DVD 1/4
Run-time of 250 minutes, TV-PG Rating, available on DVD and Blu-ray
Dragon Ball Z Kai Season One May 22, 2012 1 - 26 Blu-ray A/B
DVD 1/4
Run-time of 625 minutes, TV-PG Rating, available on DVD and Blu-ray
Dragon Ball Z Kai Season Two May 22, 2012
27 - 52 Blu-ray A/B
DVD 1/4
Run-time of 625 minutes, TV-PG Rating, available on DVD and Blu-ray
Dragon Ball Z Kai Season Three September 11, 2012 53 - 77 Blu-ray A/B
DVD 1/4
Dragon Ball Z Kai Season Four NA 78 - 98 Blu-ray A/B
DVD 1/4
* As stated on back of case


Theme Songs


  • In the ending credits, Launch is shown along with the rest of the cast. This is interesting because all the scenes from Dragon Ball Z she was in were filler that have been cut out.
  • Some (but not all) of the gory moments have been edited to a degree along with nudity. In Dragon Ball Z, when Piccolo fires his Special Beam Cannon at Raditz and Goku, he creates a hole through both of them and a heavy amount of blood is shown, while in Dragon Ball Kai, no blood is seen at all, save for the holes that Piccolo creates in the centers of their bodies. More recently, in the scene where Krillin blasts a hole through Vegeta, only blood stains are seen in Kai while in Dragon Ball Z, there is blood coming out of the hole. Similarly, when Vegeta is executed by Frieza, the beam is not shown when it penetrates his chest. Nudity is notably edited as well such as in the first episode of Dragon Ball Kai, when ever Goku (as a baby) is shown, his genitals are covered up by making objects that he is sitting on appear to be covering his genitals. In a similar manner in episode 4 of Kai, Gohan's genitals are edited as well by using his tail to cover him when he is shrinking from his Great Ape state to his normal self. All these edits are made quite possibly because Japan's television broadcasting laws have become stricter since Dragon Ball Z was first aired.
  • In the 48th episode, "The Angry Super Saiyan! Goku Throws Down the Gauntlet!", Goku announces in front of Frieza "I am the Super Saiyan, Son Goku!" This marks the first time in the history of the English-dubbed Dragon Ball anime series that Goku has addressed himself by his full name, "Son Goku."


See also


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Bad Dragonball Z Characters

Good Dragonball Z Characters
Goku  Goku is the hero of Dragonball Z, the most powerful warrior on earth and the first to become Super Saiyan in over 1000 years. When the Saiyans arrive, Goku learns the mysterious secret of his own past: he is a Saiyan formerly named Kakarot. Goku was sent to Earth as a baby to grow up and destroy the planet, but a head injury as a child scrambled Goku?s programming. Instead of growing up to become a destructive super-warrior, he became innocent and pure of heart, fighting for good.

 Goku is peaceful, good natured, honest, loving to his family and friends, loyal, trustworthy, brave. If he has a weakness, it is his trusting nature. He always finds the "good" in people when others don't see it, though Goku?s enemies sometimes take advantage of his naive trust. He originally trained under Master Roshi and wears his symbol until he trains under King Kai, whose symbol he wears. Goku grows up and marries Chi-Chi. Together they have two sons: Gohan and Goten.
Vegeta  Vegeta is a powerful Saiyan. He is a "Super Elitist" and a prince, the son of King Vegeta, past ruler of the Saiyans. Vegeta and his comrade Nappa are two of the last surviving Saiyans. They come to Earth to destroy all life and sell the planet. Though physically smaller than Goku, Vegeta can power up to unbelievable levels destroying entire planets. He is a fierce rival of Goku's, striving always to seek power levels as high or higher than Goku and to reach Super Saiyan level. Ambitious and determined, Vegeta wants the Dragon Balls to gain immortality. He is determined to destroy Frieza. After the Namek Saga, he fights on the side of the good guys and becomes the father of Trunks.
Piccolo  Goku's one time archenemy, Piccolo is the second strongest being on the Earth, born as a concentration of Kami's negative spirits. He has powerful energy blasts, can split into two or four separate entities, and has the ability to regenerate limbs. He is often seen in a white cape. Originally from the far away planet Namek (although Piccolo doesn't know this for a long time), Piccolo starts off fighting Goku to rule the world. When the Saiyans arrive he joins forces with Goku. At first it is an uneasy alliance, but as the story unfolds, their bond becomes stronger.

 While training Goku's son, Gohan for the upcoming battle against the Saiyans, Piccolo develops a special bond with Gohan. Through Gohan, the only person who has ever been a friend to him, Piccolo starts changing character for the better. He ends up sacrificing his own life to save Gohan.

 While battling with Frieza, Piccolo merges with Nail, the last of the Namekain warriors and former guardian of Guru. From this merging, Piccolo gains Nail's ancient Namek fighting style, greatly enhancing Piccolo's powers and abilities.
Gohan  Named after his adoptive grandfather, Gohan is Goku and Chi-Chi's eldest son. He is idealistic, good, and pure like his father. Gohan reveals his tremendous fighting potential when the earth is threatened. His heritage as part Saiyan and part human make him stronger than if he were of one race alone.

 With Goku's departure to the next dimension and the eminent arrival of Saiyans stronger than Raditz, Gohan is key to the survival of Earth. Thus Piccolo, a former enemy of his father, joins forces with the good guys and trains Gohan for the upcoming battle. Over time, Gohan becomes friends with Piccolo, looks up to Piccolo, and even wears similar clothing.

 Although initially a wimp, Gohan's training in the wilderness and subsequent fighting make him both brave and loyal. Following the fight on Earth, Gohan is determined to go with Bulma and Krillin to Namek to collect the seven Namekian Dragon Balls and help out his friends on Earth, especially since he feels he let them down during the fight on Earth.
Goten  Goten is the second son of Goku and Chi-Chi, and is Gohan's little brother. Goten loves to train in martial arts. He quickly develops incredibly strong powers (he naturally goes Super Saiyan) that enable him to fight alongside the adults in their mission to defend earth.

 Goten's best friend is Trunks who is approximately one year older. They are often seen together. Goten goofs around when he fights, especially when fused with Trunks as Gotenks, where he makes up countless silly-named attacks.

 Pure of heart, he'll quickly jump into danger to help his friends and family.
Trunks  Trunks is the son of Bulma - a headstrong, technical genius - and Vegeta - one of the most powerful fighters in the Dragonball Z universe. His exact age is not certain, but he first appears in Dragonball Z in his mid to late teens. He is from the future and has witnessed a threat to Earth which cannot be stopped in that time. He has come back in time to try to save the Earth of his time, only to find our heroes in Earth facing their own peril.

 Much to the amazement of our friends, Trunks immediately turns Super Saiyan and defeats Frieza and King Cold. He gives Goku medicine to prevent his death from heart disease and tells them of Earth's coming predicament. The Z Fighters immediately go into training, and Trunks returns to his own time.

 Trunks returns to our timeline again in the Android Saga to ensure that the Androids do arrive on Earth. He is also born during this saga, so we have the opportunity to see him both as a teenager and a baby at the same time. He continues to exist as a boy and a teen until the end of the Cell Saga, when the older Trunks returns to his original timeline.
Krillin  Goku is the hero of Dragonball Z, the most powerful warrior on earth and the first to become Super Saiyan in over 1000 years. When the Saiyans arrive, Goku learns the mysterious secret of his own past: he is a Saiyan formerly named Kakarot. Goku was sent to Earth as a baby to grow up and destroy the planet, but a head injury as a child scrambled Goku?s programming. Instead of growing up to become a destructive super-warrior, he became innocent and pure of heart, fighting for good.

 Goku is peaceful, good natured, honest, loving to his family and friends, loyal, trustworthy, brave. If he has a weakness, it is his trusting nature. He always finds the "good" in people when others don't see it, though Goku?s enemies sometimes take advantage of his naive trust. He originally trained under Master Roshi and wears his symbol until he trains under King Kai, whose symbol he wears. Goku grows up and marries Chi-Chi. Together they have two sons: Gohan and Goten.
Bad Dragonball Z Characters
Cell  The most dangerous of all Dr. Gero's creations, Cell, was created in Dr. Gero's lab as a genetic experiment. He comes complete with a self-destruct feature, a scorpion-like tail that opens up to absorb the energy of his opponents, and instructions to wreak revenge on the Androids which caused Dr. Gero's downfall. Cell contains the DNA of the mightiest warriors of the universe including Goku, Piccolo and Vegeta. Possessing the DNA of these great warriors, Cell is able to fight with their attacks. With these great forces combined Cell is an almost invincible being.

 One of his greatest advantages is being able to regenerate himself at any given time from even the smallest component of himself. We discover this in Dragonball Z when the good guys believe Cell is destroyed, only to find out that a brain cell has survived. From this cell, Cell regenerates himself and appears out of nowhere once again threatening Earth. One of Cell's only weak points is that his energy is finite. He gains power by draining the energy of his enemies using his scorpion-like tail to do so. Cell has three forms: the imperfect form in which we first see him, the second stage of Cell, and the final or Perfect Cell. He reaches Cell Stage Two after absorbing Android 17. When Android 18 is consumed, Cell changes into his third and most powerful form: Perfect Cell. Cell can and does create smaller versions of himself.
Buu  Buu, or Majin Buu, was conjured into existence long ago by the evil wizard Bibidi. A powerful fighter who has destroyed many planets in his past, Buu?s body is ?rubbery? giving him great advantage in battles. He has now been unleashed by Bibidi?s son, Babidi, to destroy Earth.

 Like many of the bad guys in Dragonball Z, Buu exists in multiple forms. He is often called simply Buu. This season we will see Majin Buu as the child-like Buu (sometimes called Majin Buu or simply Buu), in his more evil being called Evil Buu, and in an even more powerful form called Super Buu. He is in his Evil Buu form very briefly before transforming to Super Buu. He is in his Super Buu form only for the last episode of the Fall 2001 USA season. The following season Buu will be seen in his Super Buu form and in his final form often referred to as Kid Buu.

 Child-like, Majin Buu does not have a strongly developed sense of good and bad. He agrees to stop hurting people when he discovers it bothers Hercule. Unfortunately the threat to Earth is not over. For from Buu, Evil Buu emerges.
Frieza  Haughty, malicious, seemingly invincible and power-hungry with absolutely no compassion, Frieza is feared as the most powerful and evil being in the universe with no rival being even close to his strength. Upon learning about the legendary Namekian Dragon Balls, Frieza is consumed with a desire to obtain the Dragon Balls, summon the Dragon, and gain his wish for immortality. Then he can rule the entire universe, unrivaled, forever. Understanding the capability of the Saiyans as fighters, he eliminates their planet to destroy the competition. In his search for the Dragon Balls on Namek, he ruthlessly and predictably eliminates all who get in his way. The very mention of his name strikes dread and fear across the universe.

 Zarbon and Dodoria are Frieza's two evil right hand men. They carry out his requests promptly and without question, knowing Frieza's character too well. Frieza also employs the legendary Ginyu Force to take care of his business.

 Frieza is a lizard-like creature who can shape-shift into four stages of forms, with each form more powerful than the last. In his first form, Frieza is in a space pod. In the second form, Frieza has two horns on his head and his body is larger. In the third form, Frieza is in his biggest body and his back is bent. The fourth form is the perfect form; he is in a small body with no angle on his body. He has a fifth appearance. After being beaten by Goku, Frieza is rebuilt with robotic parts, and once again poses a threat to our heroes.
Babidi  Babidi, magical creature with unusual powers, wishes to bring Majin Buu back to life. Babidi uses his powers to control people by bringing out the evil in people?s hearts.

 His father, Bibidi, was the creator of Buu. He has an underground ship with three levels. The third and lowest level houses the "balled-up" Buu (Buu in his cocoon). Babidi, by draining the fighters on Earth, seeks to gain enough energy to break Buu?s seal and "re-hatch" him.
Raditz  A strong, powerful, Saiyan warrior, Raditz comes to Earth originally to look for Goku, his brother. Angry and intolerant, Raditz can't understand why it has taken so long for his little brother to destroy the helpless humans. Ruthless like all the Saiyans, Raditz plays on Goku's emotions by lying to his him to avoid being destroyed. The minute he is saved however, he instantly turns on Goku. His last words reveal that two even more powerful Saiyans will be coming to Earth in one year in order to destroy it. And, unfortunately, his Scouter (technologically advanced eyepiece which gives location and power rating of opponents) transmits information about the Dragon Balls to the

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