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Bad Dragonball Z Characters

Good Dragonball Z Characters
Goku  Goku is the hero of Dragonball Z, the most powerful warrior on earth and the first to become Super Saiyan in over 1000 years. When the Saiyans arrive, Goku learns the mysterious secret of his own past: he is a Saiyan formerly named Kakarot. Goku was sent to Earth as a baby to grow up and destroy the planet, but a head injury as a child scrambled Goku?s programming. Instead of growing up to become a destructive super-warrior, he became innocent and pure of heart, fighting for good.

 Goku is peaceful, good natured, honest, loving to his family and friends, loyal, trustworthy, brave. If he has a weakness, it is his trusting nature. He always finds the "good" in people when others don't see it, though Goku?s enemies sometimes take advantage of his naive trust. He originally trained under Master Roshi and wears his symbol until he trains under King Kai, whose symbol he wears. Goku grows up and marries Chi-Chi. Together they have two sons: Gohan and Goten.
Vegeta  Vegeta is a powerful Saiyan. He is a "Super Elitist" and a prince, the son of King Vegeta, past ruler of the Saiyans. Vegeta and his comrade Nappa are two of the last surviving Saiyans. They come to Earth to destroy all life and sell the planet. Though physically smaller than Goku, Vegeta can power up to unbelievable levels destroying entire planets. He is a fierce rival of Goku's, striving always to seek power levels as high or higher than Goku and to reach Super Saiyan level. Ambitious and determined, Vegeta wants the Dragon Balls to gain immortality. He is determined to destroy Frieza. After the Namek Saga, he fights on the side of the good guys and becomes the father of Trunks.
Piccolo  Goku's one time archenemy, Piccolo is the second strongest being on the Earth, born as a concentration of Kami's negative spirits. He has powerful energy blasts, can split into two or four separate entities, and has the ability to regenerate limbs. He is often seen in a white cape. Originally from the far away planet Namek (although Piccolo doesn't know this for a long time), Piccolo starts off fighting Goku to rule the world. When the Saiyans arrive he joins forces with Goku. At first it is an uneasy alliance, but as the story unfolds, their bond becomes stronger.

 While training Goku's son, Gohan for the upcoming battle against the Saiyans, Piccolo develops a special bond with Gohan. Through Gohan, the only person who has ever been a friend to him, Piccolo starts changing character for the better. He ends up sacrificing his own life to save Gohan.

 While battling with Frieza, Piccolo merges with Nail, the last of the Namekain warriors and former guardian of Guru. From this merging, Piccolo gains Nail's ancient Namek fighting style, greatly enhancing Piccolo's powers and abilities.
Gohan  Named after his adoptive grandfather, Gohan is Goku and Chi-Chi's eldest son. He is idealistic, good, and pure like his father. Gohan reveals his tremendous fighting potential when the earth is threatened. His heritage as part Saiyan and part human make him stronger than if he were of one race alone.

 With Goku's departure to the next dimension and the eminent arrival of Saiyans stronger than Raditz, Gohan is key to the survival of Earth. Thus Piccolo, a former enemy of his father, joins forces with the good guys and trains Gohan for the upcoming battle. Over time, Gohan becomes friends with Piccolo, looks up to Piccolo, and even wears similar clothing.

 Although initially a wimp, Gohan's training in the wilderness and subsequent fighting make him both brave and loyal. Following the fight on Earth, Gohan is determined to go with Bulma and Krillin to Namek to collect the seven Namekian Dragon Balls and help out his friends on Earth, especially since he feels he let them down during the fight on Earth.
Goten  Goten is the second son of Goku and Chi-Chi, and is Gohan's little brother. Goten loves to train in martial arts. He quickly develops incredibly strong powers (he naturally goes Super Saiyan) that enable him to fight alongside the adults in their mission to defend earth.

 Goten's best friend is Trunks who is approximately one year older. They are often seen together. Goten goofs around when he fights, especially when fused with Trunks as Gotenks, where he makes up countless silly-named attacks.

 Pure of heart, he'll quickly jump into danger to help his friends and family.
Trunks  Trunks is the son of Bulma - a headstrong, technical genius - and Vegeta - one of the most powerful fighters in the Dragonball Z universe. His exact age is not certain, but he first appears in Dragonball Z in his mid to late teens. He is from the future and has witnessed a threat to Earth which cannot be stopped in that time. He has come back in time to try to save the Earth of his time, only to find our heroes in Earth facing their own peril.

 Much to the amazement of our friends, Trunks immediately turns Super Saiyan and defeats Frieza and King Cold. He gives Goku medicine to prevent his death from heart disease and tells them of Earth's coming predicament. The Z Fighters immediately go into training, and Trunks returns to his own time.

 Trunks returns to our timeline again in the Android Saga to ensure that the Androids do arrive on Earth. He is also born during this saga, so we have the opportunity to see him both as a teenager and a baby at the same time. He continues to exist as a boy and a teen until the end of the Cell Saga, when the older Trunks returns to his original timeline.
Krillin  Goku is the hero of Dragonball Z, the most powerful warrior on earth and the first to become Super Saiyan in over 1000 years. When the Saiyans arrive, Goku learns the mysterious secret of his own past: he is a Saiyan formerly named Kakarot. Goku was sent to Earth as a baby to grow up and destroy the planet, but a head injury as a child scrambled Goku?s programming. Instead of growing up to become a destructive super-warrior, he became innocent and pure of heart, fighting for good.

 Goku is peaceful, good natured, honest, loving to his family and friends, loyal, trustworthy, brave. If he has a weakness, it is his trusting nature. He always finds the "good" in people when others don't see it, though Goku?s enemies sometimes take advantage of his naive trust. He originally trained under Master Roshi and wears his symbol until he trains under King Kai, whose symbol he wears. Goku grows up and marries Chi-Chi. Together they have two sons: Gohan and Goten.
Bad Dragonball Z Characters
Cell  The most dangerous of all Dr. Gero's creations, Cell, was created in Dr. Gero's lab as a genetic experiment. He comes complete with a self-destruct feature, a scorpion-like tail that opens up to absorb the energy of his opponents, and instructions to wreak revenge on the Androids which caused Dr. Gero's downfall. Cell contains the DNA of the mightiest warriors of the universe including Goku, Piccolo and Vegeta. Possessing the DNA of these great warriors, Cell is able to fight with their attacks. With these great forces combined Cell is an almost invincible being.

 One of his greatest advantages is being able to regenerate himself at any given time from even the smallest component of himself. We discover this in Dragonball Z when the good guys believe Cell is destroyed, only to find out that a brain cell has survived. From this cell, Cell regenerates himself and appears out of nowhere once again threatening Earth. One of Cell's only weak points is that his energy is finite. He gains power by draining the energy of his enemies using his scorpion-like tail to do so. Cell has three forms: the imperfect form in which we first see him, the second stage of Cell, and the final or Perfect Cell. He reaches Cell Stage Two after absorbing Android 17. When Android 18 is consumed, Cell changes into his third and most powerful form: Perfect Cell. Cell can and does create smaller versions of himself.
Buu  Buu, or Majin Buu, was conjured into existence long ago by the evil wizard Bibidi. A powerful fighter who has destroyed many planets in his past, Buu?s body is ?rubbery? giving him great advantage in battles. He has now been unleashed by Bibidi?s son, Babidi, to destroy Earth.

 Like many of the bad guys in Dragonball Z, Buu exists in multiple forms. He is often called simply Buu. This season we will see Majin Buu as the child-like Buu (sometimes called Majin Buu or simply Buu), in his more evil being called Evil Buu, and in an even more powerful form called Super Buu. He is in his Evil Buu form very briefly before transforming to Super Buu. He is in his Super Buu form only for the last episode of the Fall 2001 USA season. The following season Buu will be seen in his Super Buu form and in his final form often referred to as Kid Buu.

 Child-like, Majin Buu does not have a strongly developed sense of good and bad. He agrees to stop hurting people when he discovers it bothers Hercule. Unfortunately the threat to Earth is not over. For from Buu, Evil Buu emerges.
Frieza  Haughty, malicious, seemingly invincible and power-hungry with absolutely no compassion, Frieza is feared as the most powerful and evil being in the universe with no rival being even close to his strength. Upon learning about the legendary Namekian Dragon Balls, Frieza is consumed with a desire to obtain the Dragon Balls, summon the Dragon, and gain his wish for immortality. Then he can rule the entire universe, unrivaled, forever. Understanding the capability of the Saiyans as fighters, he eliminates their planet to destroy the competition. In his search for the Dragon Balls on Namek, he ruthlessly and predictably eliminates all who get in his way. The very mention of his name strikes dread and fear across the universe.

 Zarbon and Dodoria are Frieza's two evil right hand men. They carry out his requests promptly and without question, knowing Frieza's character too well. Frieza also employs the legendary Ginyu Force to take care of his business.

 Frieza is a lizard-like creature who can shape-shift into four stages of forms, with each form more powerful than the last. In his first form, Frieza is in a space pod. In the second form, Frieza has two horns on his head and his body is larger. In the third form, Frieza is in his biggest body and his back is bent. The fourth form is the perfect form; he is in a small body with no angle on his body. He has a fifth appearance. After being beaten by Goku, Frieza is rebuilt with robotic parts, and once again poses a threat to our heroes.
Babidi  Babidi, magical creature with unusual powers, wishes to bring Majin Buu back to life. Babidi uses his powers to control people by bringing out the evil in people?s hearts.

 His father, Bibidi, was the creator of Buu. He has an underground ship with three levels. The third and lowest level houses the "balled-up" Buu (Buu in his cocoon). Babidi, by draining the fighters on Earth, seeks to gain enough energy to break Buu?s seal and "re-hatch" him.
Raditz  A strong, powerful, Saiyan warrior, Raditz comes to Earth originally to look for Goku, his brother. Angry and intolerant, Raditz can't understand why it has taken so long for his little brother to destroy the helpless humans. Ruthless like all the Saiyans, Raditz plays on Goku's emotions by lying to his him to avoid being destroyed. The minute he is saved however, he instantly turns on Goku. His last words reveal that two even more powerful Saiyans will be coming to Earth in one year in order to destroy it. And, unfortunately, his Scouter (technologically advanced eyepiece which gives location and power rating of opponents) transmits information about the Dragon Balls to the

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